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customs tariff 關稅率。


In the final part , through a survey of the customs tariff system reform , the dissertation tries to provide some practicable measures on the difficulty of the customs tariff collection and to look for the ways of improving the customs tariff system , so that to make it more useful during the process of the economic reform and open as a finance lever 最后,文章通過對關稅改革的研討,力求對海關稅收征管難點提出切實有效的應對措施,探討完善關稅制度的方法,從而使關稅? ?這一經濟杠桿為國家改革開放做出更大的貢獻。

The dissertation also introduces the concept of customs valuation , the regulation of the confirming the origin of import goods and the collection of the custom tariff on imported and exported goods while making an analysis on some issues after the implementation of < < wto customs valuation agreement > > 文章還介紹了我國現行海關估價、原產地規則及進出口貨物關稅的征收,并對實施《 wto估價協議》后面臨的一些問題進行了分析。

Therefore , this dissertation make a preliminary discussion on the trend of the customs tariff system reform through a review of the history of the customs tariff collection since 1949 and a summary of the adjustments of customs tariff collection after joining wto 因此,本文通過對新中國成立以來海關稅收征管歷程的回顧,以及對加入wto后海關稅收征管工作調整和改革的闡述,初步探討了關稅改革的發展動向。

Meanwhile , to meet the requirement of wto rules and further economic reform , it is also imperative for the customs tariff system to change 同時,為了適應經濟改革以及wto的要求,中國海關關稅改革勢在必行。

He noted that the customs tariff of china was a charge imposed on imported goods 他指出,中國的關稅是對進口貨物征收的費用。

Cct common customs tariff 共同關稅率

Customs tariff nomenclature -關稅稅則分類表

All imported and exported equipment will be calculated based on no customs tariff 進出口設備全部按照免關稅計算。

Search customs tariffs of china 1999 中國糧油食品信息

Customs tariff commission of the state council 國務院關稅稅則委員會